Masters of Magic creates great customized live shows, to meet the client's communication needs.
The show becomes a means of conveying messages and artists, the signifier of communication.
An emotion is associated with each artist.
To every emotion a value of the brand.
Masters of Magic has revolutionized millennia of magical art by creating a new show philosophy: a live version of the "story-telling" where emotions are the key to access to the heart and minds of the spectators.
The Show that you Dance. Is it possible ... to bring 15 teenagers to the theater, all at the same time? In the wake of the great ...
The First Dinner Gala Show in ItalyEclipse is an extraordinary dinner show, with the best artists in the world, for an endless emotion.
Gran Gala della Magia8 internationally renowned artists will take turns in 2 hours of show bringing the best on stage ...
More than 1 billion views online for a type of show unique in the world that blends magic and ...
The art of Street Magic becomes a theater and brings magic into direct contact with the public.
Bring the impossible into contact with reality
An exclusive corporate event in a setting of excellence. How to improve an already special evening?
3 great artists for an innovative, amazing and engaging stage show
The Street Magic is at the same time one of the oldest and one of the most modern forms of magical art
The hilarious one-man show of the ventriloquist most loved by the whole family: Samuel
It is possible ... to communicate the distinctive characteristics of a water, air and sky company by combining them, in a single show, with the future, Jules Verne, ...
It is possible ... to enclose in an evening and in a single theme the excellence of a great company and the excellence of the arts ...
Grand Gala of Magic, Branded STULZ
Coca Cola branded Christmas Gala
Power and lightness blend with illusionistic thinking
The excellence of International sport meets the wonder on the most magical day of the year
3 extraordinary Italian talents for a show from the stage between the dream and the enchantment
Is it possible ... to transform a show into a means of communication?
The Reveal of a new BMW product meets Magic Art
Is it possible ... to get 300 somellier drunk with magic?
Is it possible ... to conduct two New Year's shows at the same time in two different cities? And organize a Guinness World Record New Year?
Is it possible ... to invade an entire city with the biggest Christmas festival?
Dreamagic ... the magic show that conquered the Sanremo Casino Opera House!
Is it possible ... to learn the art of recycling thanks to magic?
Is it possible ... to tell about art with the language of magic by creating unforgettable shows?
Is it possible ... to describe art with the language of magic?
Is it possible ... to organize the most important magic convention in the world within a UNESCO heritage site?
Is it possible ... a Grand Gala of magic in the splendid setting of the Royal Museums of Turin?
It is possible ... to create a Fantasyland involving internationally renowned Wizards, Cosplayers, Street Performers, Fantasists and Circus in a small ...
Is it possible ... in 6 years, to conquer the world leadership of the magic festival organization?
Is it possible to ... perform 3000 meters in altitude, to -20 degrees and "heat up the audience" for 60 minutes?
Is it possible ... to paralyze an entire province with 53 magic shows?